Multiple Job Offers: Which One to Choose?

6 Minutes

In a world where IT professionals, including SAP, are in high demand, we’re not surprised th...

In a world where IT professionals, including SAP, are in high demand, we’re not surprised that you have found yourself with multiple offers in your lap! 

So, the big question is: which one, if any, are you going to accept? 

We’ve got news for you:, the process of choosing isn’t going to be as simple as yes or no. If you are genuinely stuck as to which one to take, check out our tips below and hopefully it will make your decision much easier.  

What are your long-term career goals? 

When you apply for a job, you should concentrate on what you can offer the company. When you reach the point of accepting an offer, you should think about what the company can offer you. 

List all the advantages and disadvantages that each organisation is offering, then compare them to your career goals. Your decision-making process should have your long-term goals as its endpoint. 

Also consider asking yourself the following questions when thinking about career progression: 

  • Which offer lines up with my career ambitions within the SAP ecosystem?
  • Is one role more likely to offer me more opportunities for growth?
  • Is there an opportunity to learn new SAP skills?
  • Do I want to be challenged? Which offer will challenge me most? 

Research each company thoroughly 

Take the time to thoroughly research each organisation, even though you may have done so during the interview stage. You want to learn as much as you can about the corporate culture. Speaking with current or past employees can provide you with insightful information about the company's treatment of, and appreciation for, workplace culture. 

Is work/life balance important to you? 

Will one role offer you more enjoyment of your personal life, compared to the other? Consider workload, hours, as well as commuting time, if applicable. Work/life balance means different things to different people, so we can't tell you exactly what to consider here. Make a list for each offer and ascertain which will best cater to your work/life balance needs. 

Salary isn’t everything 

Although it is an obvious factor to consider in any job offer, it isn't the be-all and end-all. While one offer may be attractive from a financial standpoint, the other may pay a lesser salary, but provide other non-monetary benefits. These may include upskilling or better/faster career development, which could be more financially beneficial further down the line. Focus initially on what excites you about each role, then consider the financial aspects. 

Think back on the entire recruitment process 

The hiring process can reveal a lot about the company that wants to employ you. What was your experience as a candidate like? Take into account how the interviewer spoke to you and treated you. This can provide you with an indication of how they will treat you in the job. Was the process lengthy, quick, smooth, or chaotic? For example, if you appreciate communication or consistency, you might prefer a company that keeps you informed of the progress of your application, instead of one that was difficult to reach and took a long time to offer you the job. 

Take your time 

Don't rush into a decision; you want to be completely satisfied with your choice. Ultimately, only you can make this decision; you can seek advice from friends and family, but they are not in your shoes. 

Be professional 

Once you have made your decision and accepted the job offer you preferred, respectfully turn down the others. Explain to the employer the reasons why you will not be accepting their offer but do this with the utmost professionalism. Maintaining good relationships with potential employers could benefit your future career and expand your network. 

We hope these tips help you make the right decision and successfully advance in your career within the SAP ecosystem. 

If you are currently looking for your next role and not sure where to start, contact one of the team at Focus on SAP for a confidential chat today. 

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